Executive Team

Stephan Z. Elieff


As President of Argent Management, Stephan Elieff is responsible for the management of the company’s investment process as well as capital strategy, directing efforts to secure equity and debt financing for each of the company’s investments. Elieff is a member of Argent’s Investment, Finance, and Asset Management Committees as well as its Senior Management Committee. He serves on the Leadership Council of the Lusk Center for Real Estate and is a member of the Urban Land Institute.

Certified Public Accountant (Inactive) • B.S. (Real Estate, Urban Land Economics). • M.B.A., University of Southern California

Marc L. Magstadt

Chief Investment Officer

As Chief Investment Officer, Marc Magstadt oversees all aspects of Argent Management’s real estate acquisitions. He has been directly involved with the acquisition and disposition of more than 30,000 residential units, a sales value in excess of $2 billion.

Previously he was director of Real Estate for Bennett Consolidated, specializing in the acquisition, pre-development and disposition of raw land in California, Arizona, Washington, and Texas, and Crown Capital Corporation, a Seattle-based land acquisition company.

Dale Strickland

Senior Vice President, Underwriting Services

Dale Strickland is Senior Vice President, Underwriting Services, for Argent Management, providing an independent, critical opinion on all real-estate acquisitions and deploying uniform standards with best practices. Strickland was previously managing director of Reliance Capital Advisors LLC, a partner with Ernst & Young LLP’s Real Estate and Practice in Asia, a real-estate financial consultant for E&Y Kenneth Leventhal Real Estate Group and consulting manager for Pittiglio, Rabin, Todd & McGrath.

B.A., B.S., M.S., University of California, Irvine (Chemistry and Physics) • M.B.A., University of Southern California

David Soyka

Senior Vice President, Public Affairs

David Soyka is Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for Argent Management and is responsible for directing the company’s media relations, public relations, community outreach and project entitlement. His experience in marketing spans more than 20 years.

B.A., University of California, Los Angeles (Graphic Design)


Building lasting partnerships and communities.